Thursday, December 31, 2009

"Happy Old Year"-

I'm reading this great book about pyramids that was written in 1987. It states that the creator of the Great Pyramid was Hermes. The Egyptians call him Thoth. It speaks of "tachion" energy that has been understood by healers for thousands of years to heal. Tachion means light. The author says the knowledge has been forgotten (or repressed or kept hidden). He rightly says that institutional medical doctors believe that all disease is related only to a chemical imbalance in the body. There is also the electromagnetic and mechanical part of the body. The caduceus of Hermes (the snake around a pole), which is currently the symbol used by M.D.'s in their profession, is the measurement of light that was used by Hermes to diagnose illness. My god, so much of this thinking has been lost. It's not magic, it's not miracles, and it's not witchcraft. It's nature and music. It's all around us and in us. What bothers me is that religions have sort of taken over the teaching on these subjects when it was never meant to be that way. This is all about the natural world, the natural evolution of things which is based on universal law. There need not be a human intercessor between the soul and it's source. Do we not have the wind and the trees, the mountains and the great oceans to speak to us of our parentage? We could observe nature on our own if the fear riddled dogma weren't so distracting. Scientists observe nature and then creates theories. Most of what we put forth as scientific evidence is theory, not fact. How many of you know that when you change your mind, your physical life changes. That's proof! As Wayne Dyer says, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". And that is also in line with the new findings of quantum physics. This stuff is not new. It's very old and is just now being remembered. So, maybe I'll say, "Happy Old Year". May you continue to remember how old your soul really is and bring all the knowledge you possess to the surface to share with humanity in the year 2010 AD.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Well Tempered Human

I was listening to a piano lesson today and heard the teacher refer to Bach's "Well Tempered Clavier", a famous compendium of pieces for the new pre-cursor to the piano; the clavier. It struck me, while I was working on a patient on how incredibly synchronous balancing the body is to tuning the piano. When tuning a piano, you have to "temper" the tuning of the pins so that the piano, when played, is in tune in all the keys, as opposed to just a few. That is what makes it well tempered. I seek to teach my patients and work on my patients to become well-tempered HUMANS. How many of us know "ill-tempered" humans, especially at the holi"daze"; the grinches. When the body is out of tune, the pain bell starts to ring, like a key struck on a piano that is painful to the ear. They are a pain to be around because they are in pain and need to get "in tune". The body must function well in many "keys", environments, or dimensions to make a beautiful sound. The point of healthcare is to encourage and create beautiful, well-tempered, lovely humans that can walk on Earth, creating a life that uplifts, enlightens, challenges, and just sounds good. May your Solstice/Christmas be filled with the lovely melodies of health and healing!!!! Lisa T.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Beautiful Darkness of Winter

I love winter. Being in tune with the change of seasons and flowing with it is very healing. The reason is that we are children of the Earth. It benefits us to be in tune with flow and to receive her good graces. It sure seems appropriate living in Michigan since it seems much of our year is taken up with this weather. The weather affects our health very much; mostly our resistance to it, or our negative attitude towards it. It dawned on me today, after picking my sweet little boy up from school, that I can now FEEL that Winter is feminine. As we move down to Winter Solstice, December 21st, it gets darker and darker. The solstice is the darkest day of the year-I think only 8 hours of light and 16 hours of dark. That darkness is the sacred dark of the female womb, where all life is seeded, where we have all come from and where we all return to. The womb is our source, as humans. The sun is the source of our planet. The Earth was born out of the Sun. But the Earth's children are born out of the Darkness, the womb. The darkness, the Great Mother is our source as well. And when she was married to the great light, the Sun, the child was born. That child was born of the sacred dark and fed the snow that is mother's milk. The hard snow coming down reminds me of the flow of mother's milk. I don't know, I guess this is Earth Wisdom 101 for those that have studied it. But I haven't studied it. I'm just observing it and internalizing it, as seems natural to me. May we all honor the sacred descent into darkness as return from whence we came.