Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Healing the Emotional Body

The link between pent up feelings and heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke is well known. So, let there be no doubt, with regard to our healthcare, we ignore our feelings at our own peril. In addition, drug use, the need for alcohol and pot, excessive food when we're not hungry, or sex addiction are all Qi (Chi) blockage. We inhibit the flow of natural human emotion in a balanced way because of the limited perception of our minds.

Feelings are not universal truth, but they are sign posts to "our truth" that guides us to a potential destiny that would help us learn our lessons. Our bodies are like energy towers, beaming out signals that sychronize us with the world around us. Feelings are simply "signals", "red flags", a homing mechanism. The use of a drug, a cynicism of mind, lack of faith, excessive desire to control others with "the law", all THWART our natural creative self. Creativity, true productivity is directly related to the expression of our honest feelings with someone we love and trust. My experience has always been that if I follow those signals and acknowledge them in my body, I am always taken care of despite what my rational mind may "fear". We are each unique. The universe supports us to express what we feel and produce. Do your work, then let it go and move on the the next adventure. "The highest good for all and harm to none" is what we wish for our healthcare.