Thursday, October 20, 2011

We All Drink From the Same Well

One of my favorite sayings in the Tao Te Ching is "We all drink for the same well".  That is the Tao-the Source/Womb of our consciousness, and our body.  No matter what type of body, mind, or gifts we're born with, we all have an equal access to Source energy that is The Tao.  We are all loved and nurtured equally by The Universe, God, All That Is.  Accessing and becoming aware of that energy is the key to changing our vibration and healing.  Analyzing the mass and denseness of the body (blood, guts, bones, germs, etc.) is like staring at a grain of sand on a beach, in front of the ocean with the mountains behind but not seeing ANY OF THAT.  It's like believing that the grain of sand is ALL THERE IS!  How crazy is that?  The grain of sand is not all there is.  It is interesting and has a beautiful crystalline structure, etc., but there IS MORE! The grain of sand is just the nucleus of a vast existence with unlimited energy.  That unlimited Source is equally available to all despite gender, race, class, intelligence level, artistic gifts, etc.  It is the great equalizer for humanity.  Healthcare is on the precipice of a shift to vibrational medicine.  The propoganda of a Newtonian, mechanistic view of the body is falling away and giving way to Einsteins Theory of Relativity that underpins the discoveries in quantum physics.  All matter is made up of predominantly, electromagnetically charged SPACE.  It's not dense at all.  Walk through your day realizing that you are conscious, electrically charged, intelligent ENERGY-not flesh.  Your flesh is pure energy controlled by your thoughts and your emotions.  That is a fact.   Your healing is in your hands.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Empty Body

If you click on the above title-it will take you to my website;

I'm reading Fritjof Capra's "The Tao of Physics" right now.  It's very pertinent to my medical massage/Reiki practice at Holistic Health Options, G.R. because it reveals the science behind the composition of the atom according to quantum physics experiments.  I'll try to put it in a nutshell for you to ponder.  I'd like to remind you that what I'm revealing has been observed and proven.  It's not up for discussion despite any cognitive dissonance that may feel comfy to you.  It wasn't comfy for people to accept that the world was round and not flat either-yet that is a fact.

Our cells, and all cells that compose matter are made up of subatomic atoms.  In the atom is the nucleus which is the only part of the atom that has any mass/weight.  The proportion of nucleus to the rest of the atom spinning with particles such as electrons, neutrons, neutrinos, and 100 more such particles is like a grain of salt in the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.  The nucleus is infinitesimal.  What has been observed and measured is the velocity about which the electrons, charged with electromagnetism spin about the nucleus.  That is about 46,000 mph.  What we know is that the atom is composed mostly of empty space/energy.  That means that we, and all of matter are essentially empty space charged with energy-not dense weight.  What makes all of matter appear dense is the SPEED, the VELOCITY at which our electrons are spinning.  That speed is very difficult to slow down, but I think some have done it and science knows how to do it.  So, if human beings learned how to slow down the velocity at which their electrons spin, they can change the nature of their physical form; either with regard to dis-ease or anything else.

What are the implications for healing here?  Is illness really a certain mis-aligned speed at which our cells are spinning?  And if we are mostly composed of energy, maybe energy balancing ought to be the main modality that we use as healers and that we use to heal ourselves.  Vibrational Healing for the 21st Century is the "wave" of the future.