If you click on the title above, it will link to my website. There you will find my fees, my office schedule, contact information, and the details of my practice, as well as pictures.
2011 was my best year yet and I expect and want trajectory growth in 2012. Holistic Health and the market for it are burgeoning, although you don't see much in the media about it. I have a very affordable pre-pay cash plan and my treatments are efficient. If you come and see me, be advised that we will talk about lifestyle habits that you may want my help assessing as well as food choices. I do not get bossy our authoritative with my patients about their body. It's YOUR body. But, if you are coming to me for help, I will educate you on the consequences of every piece you tell me. And that can be a good thing. It's all about learning and choices. And I always accept any choices my patients make for themselves-non-judgmentally. For the truth is, IT'S ALL GOOD!!!!!
Give me a call. 818-8412 and join the crowd flocking into my office to FEEL BETTER!