Mirrors don't lie. The mirror as a symbol is a very powerful tool for healing and transformation. Gazing into a bowl of water or a pool of water can take you into corners of your mind that have not been traversed before. As an emotional, predominantly subjective person, I rely on the reflections of others back to me, regarding how I am seen, what I am communicating, and how I sound. This is a hard process. We all try so hard to communicate our true selves, to grow, to be honest, to do the right thing. However, when the mirror of others responses to us is held up, we're called on "our game". We may be unconscious of that game. I found that when I consistently was given signals by multiple people of a message I was giving out, it was time for me to really dig deep, look in the mirror, and figure out whether I wanted to be that way or not. What was the meaning of all of this?
The universe has gifted each of us with healing gifts that are unfathomable to us. I think we would each be surprised to know of someone's life we have touched, but forgot all about it. Sometimes, when we feel the worst about ourselves, we are giving out a vibe that actually can help someone else-just by intending it. This happened to me in my last job. An aspect of myself was mysteriously and non-verbally reflected back to me by someone I really cared for. Because of that reflection, a life long dream of a realization about myself occurred that I didn't think was possible. For 46 years I had been searching for a way to GROUND my spiritual, musical knowledge. Just by being accepted and allowed to be myself "in a certain way", I was healed.
It's a sacred thing to genuinely care for someone. May you be able to step through the mirror of illusion into freedom; the freedom of knowing you are unconditionally loved and forgiven not just by the Higher Powers that be, but by others as well.
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