Wednesday, February 3, 2010


It happened to me again; I had a very vivid dream. It was as though I was there. I wasn't just "viewing it" like a movie. The next day, the person I dreamt about came up in conversation; through my son. Similar connection happened through my son before as well with this same person. It was all fine and made sense given the history. I woke up the morning I had just dreamt it and said, "Wow, what was all of THAT activity?" It was all ordinary-but I felt like I had just been traveling, as though I'd been in a car, drove to Grand Haven (Lake Michigan), hung out with a large group of people and came back. It felt that real. My life has always been like this. There is really very little veil between this world and the next. I just live with it. No, it is not normal, but it is comforting for me. It works for me because I'm a musician as well as a healer. When I'm at the piano, or organ, or choir, I'm "in a prayerful place" or a healing place to channel peace and revelation through the music. I don't mean peace as in passive or zenlike, but peace that is transformative and always changing. Let the dreams roll!

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