"Rei" is Japanese for Universal. "Ki" is Japanese for Life Force. Ki is the same word as the Chinese Qi (Chi). Ki is Qi. The Tao Te Ching elucidates some of these concepts very well. Ki is invisible energy-like the wind. You know it's there as you can feel it blowing, you can see that it moves "things" and you can feel the temperature of it, but the wind is invisible. Reiki is the same. I "allow" the Ki to flow through me as a channel into your body, through my hands, in the places where you need it most. My hands hover over your body (most of the time) and you may feel heat (sometimes very hot), cold/cool, or a magnetic pull. The temperature varies at all times. I am an attuned Reiki Master. I suppose a modern analogy would be like an ordained minister of the Church-but we won't get into quite divergent theology here. My teacher was Danielle DeVoe of Frankfurt, MI. I had unforgettable lessons and attunements in the year 1999 and 2000-as my son Alex was growing in me and as I gave birth to him. The two were definitely connected.
Healing is what I have to offer you-and thus myself. So, it's a win/win situation. Reiki affects the etheric body that is the eternal you. I just finished reading James Redfield's "The Tenth Insight". In it, he states the 11th insight which refers to a method for healing. He says, "There is a latent power of the mind within all of us that mysteriously helps to affect what occurs in the future. It has been called faith power, positive thinking, and the power of prayer. We are now taking this power seriously enough to bring a fuller knowledge of it into public awareness. We are finding that this prayer power is a field of intention (Wayne Dyer), which moves out from us and can be extended and strengthened, especially when we connect with others in a common vision." That is not specifically Reiki, but it is related to it.
If you come to me with a vision of yourself, or wanting me to mirror an image of your healed self back to you, it will increase the Reiki energy that is available to me to aid in your healing. So your mind is instrumental in your own healing. I am aided on all levels to affect your body on all 7 levels that correspond to your chakras. The chakras are energy wheels that anchor your eternal self to your physical body. 1st chakra is the etheric body, 2nd chakra is the emotional body, 3rd chakra is the mental body, 4th chakra is the astral body, 5th chakra is the etheric template body, 6th chakra is the celestial body, and the 7th body is the ketheric body. You didn't know you had 7 bodies did you? These energy centers, depending on the condition of your Ki, pulsate at a certain speed and color. These colors change from day to day, even hour to hour. Some clairvoyants read auras, but I think it's a bit of a waste of time as they change so rapidly and don't really tell you anything lasting about yourself. Change is constant in the universe and that includes us. But luckily, you always have a choice.
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