You'll see at the bottom of this page a list of book recommendations. Included in that list is "The Secret History of Dreaming" by Robert Moss. He's also written many other books on dreaming which I'm sure you can find online. This is a very entertaining and interesting read. He highlights Joan of Arc, Lucrecia de Leon, Harriet Tubman, Mark Twain, Wolfgang Pauli, and Winston Churchill as the famous people whose lives and work absolutely hinged on their connection to their dream life. Your dream life is, the 8 hours you spend sleeping. Metaphysicians, such as myself, believe that it is when you are physically asleep that you are most spiritually awake. And when your are physically awake, you are most spiritually asleep-or in the illusory trance we call life on Earth-and a very far stretch-reality.
This book has changed my life. When you read about someone's extraordinary life, it's very important to internalize and meditate on the truth of it. If that individual can do it, so can you, in your own way. I now keep a dream journal next to my bed and upon waking in the morning-just lie still in a very relaxed mental state and let my sleep world spill over into my waking mind. It is a fascinating transition, and one that you have to work at. It's a kind of meditation. The mind is a most powerful thing. The power of the mind, the will, and the attitude in healing is well documented. Any doctor, no matter what they believe, will tell you that. In the holistic healing field, it is especially significant. In order to find balance in the body, first you must balance the mind. Remembering, mining, your dreams will aid you in that quest. It is not an overstatement to say that the individuals who regularly remember and heed their dreams, change the course of human events and themselves. Change is the only constant in life. Dreams are constant also. Whether you remember your dreams or not, you dream every night. Your dreams are truly a gift from Source. Who you are in spirit, the needs and desires of that spirit, what you have to share with the world, is given to you through your mind. What we really need to live a fulfilling life and heal from our past and the regular struggles of this Earth can be found in our dreams. I encourage you to take the time each morning to be patient, to pray and ask that your Higher Power help you remember your dreams, respect your mind and your body and what it has to say to your soul.
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