Monday, August 22, 2011

Meningitis Vaccine

My son had to get 3 more vaccines for 7th grade today.  One of them, which was new to me, is the Meningitis vaccine.  The meningus bacteria (there are many strains) are VERY bad for your health.  I knew that part.  And with the waning effectiveness of the anti-biotics, it could be even more so.

As you've heard me say a million times on here-the best defense is a strong immune system as a foundation.  When you do inevitably pick up a virus or bacteria, your body can resist it on it's own, with proper rest, etc. of course.  But this bacteria is deadly.  The link above takes you to Dr. Andrew Weil's site.  He believes the vaccine to be safe.  I like Dr. Weil because he's a compromise between allopath and holistic.  His values are holistic and he's not a "yes man".  But his training is traditional allopathic-so he knows how these guys think.

My son does have a strong immune system because he was breastfed and given minimal antibiotics as a child.  The constant hammering of anti-biotic use ruins your immune system-especially a child's.  Anti-biotic means against the body.  They are medicines that are against the body, not for the body. 

What IS for the body?  A happy frame of mind, excercise, balanced, low calorie diet, astragalus root, certain supplements if you're low on certain ones.  You can find this out at and Pro-biotics.  Hand washing and not touching your face is a good idea, but the viruses are so virulent that you just breath them in floating in the air.  You can't avoid breathing!  But you can avoid groups of people if there is a particularly nasty bug going around.  That is not a bad idea at all.

My website at if you'd like to contact me for an herbal consultation.

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